Service Description
Fertilizing helps defend and improve your lawn’s recuperative capabilities from weeds, insects, and diseases. Turf areas that are used and watered more frequently require a balanced fertilizer program. We use golf course grade fertilizer with our two differently timed application packages. This helps establish and maintain a healthy lawn by providing balanced nutrients throughout the season. Basic Fertilizer Package Our Basic Fertilizer Package consists of three applications throughout the season (May, July, and September) that will provide your lawn with all the nutrients it requires. Maintaining appropriate nutrient levels can help your lawn defend against pests such as weeds, insects, and diseases, as well as improve damaged turf recuperative capabilities. Extended Fertilizer Package The Extended Fertilizer Package consists of four timed fertilizer applications (April, June, August, and October) that ensure proper nutrient levels are maintained throughout the growing season. An early season fertilizer application will be put down to increase winter recovery, turf density, root growth capabilities, and green up. A fall low nitrogen application will also be applied to assist and increase your lawn’s abilities to store nutrients and carbohydrates to make it through the winter months.
Contact Details
233 Nobel Road, Nobel, ON, Canada